Dividend policy


The Company has the right to decide (declare) on dividends payment on the outstanding shares according to the results of the 1 quarter, half-year, 9 months of the financial year and/or the results of the financial year if not other established by the Federal Law “On joint-stock companies”.

Dividends are paid out of the net profit of the Company.

Decision on dividends payment, amount of dividend, period and order of its payment on shares of every category is taken by the General Shareholders Meeting of the Company. The amount of dividends cannot exceed the recommended amount by the Board of Directors of the Company. The Company has the right to decide (declare) on dividends payment on shares and effect its payment with restrictions determined by Article 43 of the Federal Law “On joint-stock companies”.

Dividend history of JSC “OGK-2” 

Dividends by 2021 results

The date of the shareholders’ meeting resolving to pay the dividends is 29.06.2022
The amount of the declared dividends for one common share is RUR 0,0965536029864
The total amount of the declared dividends for all the shares is RUR (thousand) 10 663 492
In accordance with Clause 6 of Article 42 of the Joint-Stock Companies Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of the dividends payout to a nominal shareholder who acts as a professional player on the securities market and to an entrusted administrator, which are recorded in the shareholders’ register, must not exceed 10 business days; for other persons recorded in the shareholders’ register it must not exceed 25 business days starting from the date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set.
The date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set under the resolution to pay (declare) those dividends is July 11, 2022. *

Dividends by 2020 results

The date of the shareholders’ meeting resolving to pay the dividends is 18.06.2021
The amount of the declared dividends for one common share is RUR 0,0600458012915
The total amount of the declared dividends for all the shares is RUR (thousand) 6 631 528.
In accordance with Clause 6 of Article 42 of the Joint-Stock Companies Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of the dividends payout to a nominal shareholder who acts as a professional player on the securities market and to an entrusted administrator, which are recorded in the shareholders’ register, must not exceed 10 business days; for other persons recorded in the shareholders’ register it must not exceed 25 business days starting from the date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set.
The date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set under the resolution to pay (declare) those dividends is July 02, 2021. *

Dividends by 2019 results

The date of the shareholders’ meeting resolving to pay the dividends is 24.06.2020
The amount of the declared dividends for one common share is RUR 0,0544445744
The total amount of the declared dividends for all the shares is RUR (thousand) 6 012 922.
In accordance with Clause 6 of Article 42 of the Joint-Stock Companies Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of the dividends payout to a nominal shareholder who acts as a professional player on the securities market and to an entrusted administrator, which are recorded in the shareholders’ register, must not exceed 10 business days; for other persons recorded in the shareholders’ register it must not exceed 25 business days starting from the date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set.
The date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set under the resolution to pay (declare) those dividends is July 10, 2020. *

Dividends by 2018 results

The date of the shareholders’ meeting resolving to pay the dividends is 11.06.2019
The amount of the declared dividends for one common share is RUR 0,036784587
The total amount of the declared dividends for all the shares is RUR (thousand) 3 901 638.
In accordance with Clause 6 of Article 42 of the Joint-Stock Companies Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of the dividends payout to a nominal shareholder who acts as a professional player on the securities market and to an entrusted administrator, which are recorded in the shareholders’ register, must not exceed 10 business days; for other persons recorded in the shareholders’ register it must not exceed 25 business days starting from the date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set.
The date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set under the resolution to pay (declare) those dividends is June 28, 2019. *

Dividends by 2017 results 

The date of the shareholders’ meeting resolving to pay the dividends is 26.06.2018.
The amount of the declared dividends for one common share is RUR 0,016319020075.
The total amount of the declared dividends for all the shares is RUR (thousand) 1 729 820
In accordance with Clause 6 of Article 42 of the Joint-Stock Companies Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of the dividends payout to a nominal shareholder who acts as a professional player on the securities market and to an entrusted administrator, which are recorded in the shareholders’ register, must not exceed 10 business days; for other persons recorded in the shareholders’ register it must not exceed 25 business days starting from the date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set.
The date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set under the resolution to pay (declare) those dividends is July 10, 2018. *

Dividends by 2016 results  

The date of the shareholders’ meeting resolving to pay the dividends is 02.06.2017.
The amount of the declared dividends for one common share is RUR 0.00825304739908.
The total amount of the declared dividends for all the shares is RUR (thousand) 874 173.6
In accordance with Clause 6 of Article 42 of the Joint-Stock Companies Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of the dividends payout to a nominal shareholder who acts as a professional player on the securities market and to an entrusted administrator, which are recorded in the shareholders’ register, must not exceed 10 business days; for other persons recorded in the shareholders’ register it must not exceed 25 business days starting from the date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set.
The date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set under the resolution to pay (declare) those dividends is June 20, 2017. *

Dividends by 2015 results  

The date of the shareholders’ meeting resolving to pay the dividends is 08.06.2016.
The amount of the declared dividends for one common share is RUR 0.00567376233395.
The total amount of the declared dividends for all the shares is RUR (thousand) 600,345.7.
In accordance with Clause 6 of Article 42 of the Joint-Stock Companies Federal Law No. 208-FZ of 26.12.1995, the term of the dividends payout to a nominal shareholder who acts as a professional player on the securities market and to an entrusted administrator, which are recorded in the shareholders’ register, must not exceed 10 business days; for other persons recorded in the shareholders’ register it must not exceed 25 business days starting from the date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set.
The date when the list of the persons possessing the right to get the dividends was set under the resolution to pay (declare) those dividends is June 20, 2016. *

* According to the financial statements for the corresponding period, without taking into account subsequent adjustments.

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