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OGK-2 is one of Russia’s largest power generating companies

Principal Operations and Sales Market

OGK-2 JSC is the largest Russian thermal generation company with an installed capacity of 17.6 GW and an annual revenue of about 120 billion rubles.

The principal operations of OGK-2 JSC are the electric and thermal power production and sale. The main sales market is the wholesale electric power (capacity) market. As part of this activity, OGK-2 JSC ensures the operation of power equipment in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements, conducts timely and high-quality repairs, technical re-equipment and reconstruction of power facilities.

In the course of the investment program, 4.17 GW of new capacity was built, confirmed by capacity supply agreements (CSA). When choosing equipment, priority is given to high-efficiency steam-gas cycle technologies and modern coal combustion technologies.

Installed electric and thermal capacity

17,608 MW — installed electric capacity

2,826.7 Gcal/h — installed thermal capacity

4,169 MW is the commissioned electrical capacity and 110.5 Gcal/h is the thermal capacity under the completed CSA program
Fuel balance, %

Competitive Advantages:

  • one of Russia’s largest thermal power generating companies;
  • has a range of generating equipment that features a high degree of relevance (thus ensuring reliable electric power supply), a wide power control range, and high-speed load setting and resetting, which maximizes the capacity of these electric power plants and improves adherence to the consumption schedule;
  • technical and technological capabilities of electric power plant equipment to provide system reliability services, as well as the availability of stations with operating modes for various types of fuel;
  • some of the OGK-2 power plans are the backbone plants in the free-exchange zones;
  • there is room for power plant efficiency enhancements;
  • ability to diversify the fuel balance and optimize thereof to better suit the fuel market situation.

Development Prospects:

  • the Company has stable financial assets flow paid for capacities subject to made Capacity Supply Agreements (CSA);
  • the Company upgrades its equipment and makes electric power generation ever more reliable and efficient, which is partly due to participation in the National Modernization Program approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2019;
  • costs optimization under the program to improve operating efficiency and reduce expenses;
  • parametric optimization of the generating equipment.